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What is the
" internet toll" ?


Can you envision a scenario where the Internet becomes pricier, slower, and offers less content? This is the potential outcome if Brazil were to adopt policies such as network fees and cost-sharing. 


​The cost-sharing policy is fundamentally unjust. It represents an effort by major telecom operators operating within Brazil to secure additional funding for their operations. Similar strategies are being employed by major operators in other regions, such as Asia, Europe, and Latin America. However, it portends a significant deterioration of the entire internet landscape.


​Under this proposed policy, these telecom mammoths stand to benefit doubly—first, from Internet access charges imposed on us, the end users, when we subscribe to our access plans, and second, from the service and content providers who cater to what we, the users, actually wish to access and consume.

​The risks posed to consumers, markets, and digital inclusivity are both numerous and imminent, especially given that this policy is currently under formal consideration by Anatel, with potentially far-reaching consequences.


Discover further insights into this ongoing discourse and learn how you can engage in this debate. We are actively engaging with Anatel to gain a deeper understanding of the cost-sharing policy. Our aim is to underscore the myriad drawbacks this measure poses to both the digital ecosystem and internet users.



Ten Compelling Reasons to REJECT Cost-Sharing


How to Get Informed and Show Your Support

Anatel Consultation on the Matter

Although Anatel’s Public Consultation No. 13/2023 has concluded, you can still express your views by reaching out to


Visit our extensive repository containing information on the cost-sharing policy, featuring perspectives from regulatory bodies, civil society organizations, technical entities such as the Internet Society, and relevant authorities.

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